Raquette Lake in the Adirondacks 2008

Raquette Lake in the Adirondacks 2008

I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. ~ Pablo Casals

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28...For Several Days Now....

How about 24 hours with NO mention of the Swine Flu ????

Sunday, April 12, 2009


"People rise out of the ashes because , at some point, they are invested with a belief in the possibility of triumph over seemingly impossible odds. "

" I used to be convinced that HAPPINESS was the goal...yet all those years I was chasing after it....I was unhappy in the pursuit. Maybe the goal really should be.....a life that values honor, duty, good work, friends and family.

Maybe that's it. "

Robert Downey Jr.

Parade Magazine interview

***Somehow....this reminds me of me.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Massacre in Binghamton, NY

What is going on in this country ? Everyone just grabs a gun or an assault weapon when they’re fed up and then they find someplace to massacre as many people as they can.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Choices and Character

Choose Your Thoughts, for they become Words
Choose Your Words, for they become Actions•
Choose Your Actions, for they become Habits•
Choose Your Habits, for they become Character•
Choose Your Character, for it becomes Your Destiny

Not composed by me....but I like it a lot !!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today is April First !!!

It's April everybody !!!