Raquette Lake in the Adirondacks 2008

Raquette Lake in the Adirondacks 2008

I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. ~ Pablo Casals

Saturday, August 15, 2009


This is part of a good article I just read on Age & Creativity

Staying Creative
The secret of life is staying creative. Keep your creative juices flowing and you will stay ahead of the pack.
Do different things.
The best way of staving off creative ossification is to keep doing different things. Read different books and papers. Go to different places for your holidays. Talk to different people. Listen to them and seek to synergize and synthesize. Take every opportunity to regenerate your generative powers.

The not-so geriatric effect
But what about the effects of aging. We are born with a fixed number of brain cells and they increasingly die off* after the age of 50, and even faster beyond 70.
This may be true, but, barring mental illness, the effect is miniscule in comparison with the habitual ossification effect. People who have stayed creative through their lives are way above others, not only people on the final lap but also those much younger than them. With practice, you can get better at creativity, which puts a creatively active 60 year old streets ahead of a stultified 30 year old.

Creativity even affects longevity. It has been proven that people who stay mentally active live longer even than those who stay physically active. If you go to the mental gym every day, then your alertness will keep you going longer.


So....I should try learning to play the cello shouldn't I ? Even if I try it for a few lessons..
I will open up my mind to something totally brand new.
I will create a few new dendrites in my aging brain.
I will give delight to myself for just trying !!

OKAY....What things have you done to help yourself stay creative folks ?