Raquette Lake in the Adirondacks 2008

Raquette Lake in the Adirondacks 2008

I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. ~ Pablo Casals

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Overcoming Pessimism ! ! Oh Boy !!

The following is an excerpt from a blog on EverydayHealth.Com.....a great website for all kinds of health research and info .

Here is a link to the entire article--> Positive Thinking Can Increase Your Longevity



There are several simple things you can do to overcome pessimism and to develop a more positive outlook on life. When confronted with a danger such as an approaching train, we learned in school to stop, look and listen. The same three simple steps can help you overcome pessimism.

1. Stop – Accept and confront the reality that you are being pessimistic. Just as an alcoholic must first acknowledge that they have a problem with drinking before they can get better, you need to begin by acknowledging that you are being pessimistic.

2.Look – Look to see if you can view the stressors in your life from a different point of view. You may find that a more positive outlook is possible or you may realize that you need to change some of the circumstances in your life.

3. Listen – Try to get an outside or objective view of your situation. Talk about your problems with someone whose judgment you trust – a close friend, spouse, or health professional.
It is not always easy to have a positive outlook, but taking steps to overcome negative emotions will not only make your life more fulfilling and satisfying – it can also help you live longer.

Happy anti-aging!
Terry Grossman, M.D.

I really liked the way Dr Grossman put this into perspective as I am one of those individuals that tends to think negative before I think positive. Been working on this for many years now...trying to think positive...trying to be more optimistic about everything. I have certainly learned that being anxious and worrying all the time are no good for me. So I say ....Step back from emotions like worry, self-doubt, anger, self-pity and all the others that sabotage your happiness.

Have you discovered that yourself ?

For more information about longevity medicine visit Dr. Grossman’s Web sitehttp://www.grossmanwellness.com/


  1. Hi Lynne,

    Yes, those sneaky negative thoughts have a way of creeping in and creating all sorts of anxious feelings. And if we don't 'observe' them, like you mentioned by being objective, they can manifest as physical issues as well. Thanks for the quick reminder to pay attention. :)

  2. THANK YOU DAN for taking the time to even come in here to my little blog read it and make a comment. Can't tell you how appreciative I am of that. :)
